In Managing Self

I don’t know about you, but I’m struggling a bit with the February blah’s here in Toronto with this cold winter that seems to be going on forever. And I know, many of you, depending on your locations, think we’ve had it pretty easy, but we do get used to what we get used to! So for me, a few warmer days, and a bit more sunshine would be nice. The good news is, this too shall pass and spring will come as it always does :). So…. what happens when we get the blah’s about our work? How do we manage through the grey days when it’s not so much fun. There was an interesting blog in Fast Company today Fall in love with your job again,

… and I’ve given you a few Friday questions to ponder – give yourself a 10 min break and think about these….

What part of your job do you love the best? Make sure you spend at least some part of every day doing it (even if it’s only 5 min).

What drew you to the work that you are doing? Remind yourself of the parts of your job that still inspire you?

What difference are you making? Remind yourself of the clients, staff, colleagues, who are grateful that you’re at your desk and doing what you do.

What would you like to change? Really consider this one – is it as simple as changing the order in which you do things, or is it more complex and you need to be doing or involved in your work differently?

What might you need to ask for? Be brave – ask for what you need and want. If you don’t, nothing changes and if you do, my guess is you’ll be pleasantly surprised about the possibilities that begin to emerge.

We spend a significant amount of time at work – make it work for you!

Have a great weekend.