Fully engage your strengths, gifts and talents

Find and share your voice

Challenge yourself and embrace what’s possible

Leadership and Transition Coaching

As a Certified Coach (PCC, CPCC), I offer both Executive/Leadership Coaching and Personal/Professional Transition Coaching.  Coaching is a transformational process, so get ready! We will create a safe and courageous space for you to review, explore, reflect, develop, learn, decide and plan so you can try, take risks, and ACT aligned with the life you want! It’s about investing in yourself, your potential, and your future. Coaching focuses on strengths and possibilities. It’s about igniting your power and potential and it’s fun! Coaching provides:

  • A deepened awareness of self, including needs, wants and passions
  • Clarity regarding strengths, interests and impact
  • A deepened awareness as to the choices and possibilities that exist
  • Identification of learning opportunities and key goals
  • Creation of and commitment to actions to move forward
  • Excitement about work and life

“Choosing to work with Glennie was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  The whole coach process was new to me and she made it feel completely natural.  Over the course of 6 months Glennie worked with me to excavate and celebrate my confidence, strengths and unique talents, which enabled me to step into my new career choices with certainty.

Glennie seemed to have a magic ability to know exactly when to push a little harder or to step back and let me push myself. Every conversation was filled with questions that were both  powerful and on point.  She expertly held space for me to find my feet and to make decisions and choices that were all my own and perfectly aligned with my vision.  In essence, Glennie helped me identify my life purpose and taught me to use my own unique tools to constantly move in the direction of that purpose, all without an ounce of pretense or ‘new age’ mumbo jumbo.  Glennie provided highly effective and practical coaching that quite literally changed my life. Simply put, she is magic!”  – Greg Manuel

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The Coaching Process

  1. Coaching is holistic.  There are many parts of life i.e. career, current job, future job, transitions, relationships (personal/professional), physical well being, spirituality, etc., and it will always be your choice as to the focus that we hold. As the coach, I work with you, holding your focus, as you integrate values, beliefs, opportunities and actions that will lead you forward in a positive way. The intentions, and the more specific areas for dialogue at each session, come from you.
  2. The first meeting is a two-hour Discovery Session and usually occurs virtually. Prior to this first meeting, I will forward you a Discovery Session Profile for you to complete as an initial assessment tool. There are a number of questions which encourage self- reflection (personal and professional) and begin to help you determine the focus you want to hold, the changes you may be considering and the results you want to achieve.
  3. Additional Assessment Tools may be  identified as useful to complete. These may be administered prior to Discovery or part way through the coaching journey. We will collaborate to determine how and when to use these additional tools.
  4. Development of Goals begins during Discovery and these are refined as needed throughout the process. A customized Learning Plan may be developed either using a template of your choosing, or as created together by us.
  5. During our initial meeting we will create our Designed Alliance which clearly outlines how we will work together. The intent of the coaching relationship is to create a safe and courageous partnership between coach and client, where your dreams, hopes and goals are the primary focus. It is through the Designed Alliance that we ensure a powerful, honest and productive coaching relationship is established. We will revisit and re-design the alliance as necessary throughout the coaching process.
  6. If coaching is sponsored by your organization, a 3 way meeting with you, your immediate supervisor and myself may be requested. If so, this will occur after Discovery, with Goals and Learning Plans modified as necessary, and specifics regarding confidentiality clarified.
  7. After the initial Discovery Session, bi –weekly 1 hour virtual coaching sessions are scheduled.  During each coaching session, you identify your specific agenda for that session. I then work with you to maintain alignment with your broader goals and focus.
  8. Homework is identified, either by you or me, during each coaching call. This may be a stretch assignment, a challenge, a specific task, or an inquiry for reflection. The intention with homework is always to deepen learning while forwarding action. We will review homework at the beginning of the next session and accountability for completion is yours. Sometimes homework is modified by clients in between sessions and that’s fine too. Whatever happens is what needs to happen and there is always learning associated.
  9. In between sessions you may contact me by email or phone to briefly review emerging issues, questions, concerns and/or successes. You can always count on my prompt response.
  10. Coaching is a confidential process. I will always hold what you share with me as confidential. As the agenda of calls is driven by you, and the content is yours, it is up to you, what, if any parts of the process you choose to share with others. If your manager/organization is supporting the process, any goals or expectations they have of you, are for you and your manager to discuss. I will inform the manager/organization of attendance at sessions, and otherwise will not disclose any specific information about the content of the sessions.
  11. My commitment as Coach is to: be present and fully listening; be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests; challenge your assumptions about yourself and others; reflect back to you what I see and hear; support your as you explore and recognize your choices; hold you accountable to yourself for the actions you identify and agree to take. I am not the expert about your future – you are! You are responsible and more than completely able to identify and make the choices and decisions that are best for you. I fundamentally believe that individuals are naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and I will always hold that perspective when coaching with you.
  12. Timeline: Coaching is a journey, and does not necessarily have a prescriptive timeline. While the typical coaching relationship continues to add value to a client’s life over an extended period of time, I have no absolute minimum or maximum requirements. I do recommend that you commit to a minimum of 6 months, in order to give yourself the opportunity to fully experience the process.
  13. Credentialing requirements (ICF # 0090225851): As a Professional Certified Coach, it is part of my credentialing requirement through the International Coach Federation (ICF) to keep records of my clients and the numbers of coaching hours I practice in order to maintain my certification. I will request each client’s permission to keep a confidential record of their name, phone number and email address in order to meet these requirements. Credentialing ensures that the profession maintains high standards related to those practicing in the field.
  14. Availability, Notice and Payment: Coaching requires a commitment. I will be available, on time and fully present for each scheduled session. It is important that you are prepared to do the same. I am aware that “life happens”, and so understand that things may occur that require you to miss an appointment. If you anticipate a scheduling issue, I appreciate a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.  I also understand that emergencies occur, and will not charge you in those circumstances. Please be advised that if there is a pattern of missed calls, or sufficient notice or explanation is not received, you will be charged for missed sessions.

“It is with pleasure that I recommend the services of Glennie Mercer. Glennie helped me to change my thoughts on what appeared to be “weaknesses” and identify them as strengths. As a result, this allowed me to act quickly on my goals and fast-forward my career. I am now truly enjoying my growth and the opportunity to be my authentic self. Changing my thoughts allowed me to focus on a path to future success and my passion is now providing that insight to every individual as they grow in their career. Thank you Glennie.”   Bonnie Grogan, Director of HR, Buckingham Sports

Executive/Leadership Coaching

Unleash your Leader Within! Leaders are everywhere – some in “formal” positions with associated titles, and many, without the titles, leading from right where they are. Whether formal or informal, leaders inspire, share their knowledge, support, dare, challenge, create, and encourage those around them to be better and bigger and bolder. Let’s unleash and fine tune your Leader Within. With leadership experience, and having worked with leaders to design and facilitate planning and team development processes for many years, I began to incorporate leadership coaching more intentionally into my practice in 2006. Coaching provides direct 1:1 support to leaders who identify the need for their own more specific development. I continue to work with executives, senior and mid-level leaders in the health, not-for-profit, public, education and financial sectors. If you are interested and committed to growing your leadership capacity, I’m with you. I will support and challenge you to: identify areas of professional growth; review different perspectives; consider the impact you are having and the changes you may need to make; explore your vulnerabilities; consider risks and choices; and take new actions. My intention is to create a safe space for you to truly explore all that is leadership within you.

“I sought coaching from Glennie Mercer for transition in both my career and personal life. I was initially drawn to her for her easy-going nature, light sense of humour and yet action-packed attitude for life. Her inquiries were intuitive and focused, and I realized there was no wrong answer with Glennie, only exploration. Working with Glennie provided me the space to let go of things in my life I no longer wanted or needed and most importantly, helped me to quickly cultivate new skills necessary for the transformations ahead. Glennie was a strategic confidante in the year we worked together and I’ve learned to be more accountable to myself and am now living my aspirations!”   KAS – Senior Consultant, Government of Ontario

Personal/Professional Transition Coaching

Coaching professionals through the various transitional periods in their lives is a key strength. Inspiring you to find your voice; recognize, celebrate and integrate the professional and personal aspects of who you  are, and what you want to be doing; and encouraging you to clarify, own and commit to your continued growth is wonderful journey to share with you. Where’s your purpose? What is unique and wonderful about you? What’s important? Where’s the balance? What do you want to get better at? What’s next? What’s the point? Where/what do you want to contribute? What do you love? How do you do your best right where you are? Where do you need to get brave? What risks are important to take?…. these are just some of the questions we will explore. As an independent consultant who has had a varied career path myself, and made different decisions and choices along the way, I have been able to integrate and balance my professional and personal responsibilities in a way that has resulted in a wonderful and manageable life. Sometimes it’s easy, and sometimes it’s hard, and there are always choices. Working with professionals as they acknowledge and embrace their purpose and passions; recognizing the various stages and choices that they are experiencing; and then coaching with them as they focus on possibilities and action is an exciting process.