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Just read this quote and I love it!
“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. but water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” (Lao Tzu 600 BC)

As 2012 begins, I have been reading about Intuition (after I finished reading Michael Ondaatje’s new book “The Cat’s Table” – which I highly recommend – ah but I digress 🙂 ). Listening to and for my intuition is something that I do, and the articles in this month’s “choice” magazine, and the quote above, remind me of it’s value. We can’t be flexible without listening to our intuition, and our intuition reminds us to be flexible.

As the new year begins, I think many of us take stock of where we’ve been and what we see ahead. I’ve been ruminating on 2012 “goals”, “intentions”, “plans”, etc. etc. (not quite sure what I want to call them) and find myself not completely clear on the focus. Perhaps it’s in fact because I very much value flexibility, and so need to keep the path forward open enough to let intuition, choices and the unexpected room to live.  I think I would like this to be a year of “pushing boundaries” and “challenging”.  I need to push against what’s rigid – it’s what I do. I know the boundaries and the rocks need to be there, as they make the path interesting and challenging. (I know that sometimes too I’m my own rock – getting in my own way :)). I also know that I need to push against these, climb over them, walk around them, and sometimes simply consider them and reflect. Remaining flexible when confronted with the rocks makes them less intimidating. There is possibility, there are options: perhaps a new way of doing something – or a new way of thinking?

What “rocks” are you seeing that you have the flexibility to manage? When are you the rock? Where/how could you be more flexible as you trust your intuition and your strengths?  What kind of year do you hope 2012 will be for you? I hope it’s a wonderful one!