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The following link includes a list of 70 single words, and associated thoughts related to each, as identified by a number of “thought” leaders. Each was asked to submit a key word they felt was going to be important in 2010. Seth Godin, a blogger and writer has created this collection as an e-book and encourages people to share it.

My thoughts on this collection:
Have a look – pick a word and live it for a while – or consider your own word – what do you think is important? What can you do to make a difference?

My word today is Collaborate
Share what you know. Learn from those around you. Be prepared to engage in dialogue – real dialogue, where you reflect on your own thoughts and feelings, and try to fully understand and appreciate what others may be experiencing.

Be prepared to take risks. Enjoy exploring others’ perspectives while remembering to recognize your common goals. Be open to the unexpected, as you consider emerging opportunities and ideas that present themselves through your collaborative efforts.

Collaborate with good intention. Collaboration often challenges and requires us to move out of our comfort zones, and so we must be prepared to do so. Trust your instincts and your intuition. Trust your collaborators.